Well, 2020 is behind us, some may say not soon enough. Although, HTPEI managed to pull off a pretty decent year all things considered. We sadly had to cancel a couple events, but managed to hold some of them later in the year, and did still have a couple competitions. Congratulations to all our members and HUGE thanks to all our volunteers! You were all amazing. Here are the Year End Award Results.

One year ago we held our Training Camp with Ruth Allum, and right after that is when you-know-what hit and things came to a splayed out, totally not square halt for a while. BUT, we’re super excited to kick 2021 off with Ruth again, albeit via online sessions this time, so please join us! For more info, check out our event page here.

And remember, you can stay up-to-date with our facebook page as well, Horse Trials PEI.